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Chris Hadfield Maze Is Simply Out Of This World (PHOTO)


Retired Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield posted a photo on Facebook Tuesday that showed his likeness carved into a corn maze in Thamesville, Ont.

The design, it must be said, was out of this world.

It's just the latest in a series of incredible patterns that have been cut into a 10-acre cornfield at iMAZE, an attraction run by Thamesville residents Ken and Ingrid Dieleman.

Past designs have included Canadian coins, the horn of plenty and War of 1812 figure Tecumseh.

iMAZE also isn't the only place to honour the astronaut among its corn stalks.

Last year, Korny Korners Farm in Sarnia, Ont. cut a message that read, "Welcome Home Cmdr. Hadfield" into its own five-acre maze, The Sarnia Observer reported.

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