As we first reported over a year ago, "Fraggle Rock" is returning to TV, albeit in a different form. We'll see the Fraggles again in "Doozers," an all-new CG-animated preschool series, which is set to premiere on Monday, February 3 at 9 a.m. on TVO.
As the title implies, the series will focus on the Doozers, the small, hard-working engineers first introduced to Gen Xers in the '80s TV show "Fraggle Rock."
Airing weekdays at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. in TVOKids' early learning block, Gisèle's Big Backyard, "Doozers" follows the awesome adventures of the Pod Squad, a quartet of young doers who employ creativity, technology and resilience to realize projects, solve problems and get things done. Co-produced by The Jim Henson Company and Canada's DHX Media, "Doozers" will be available for streaming following its broadcast launch. (Convenient for all the adults who are at work during broadcast time. C'mon, you know you're going to check it out.)
From inventing new custom vehicles like the Eggcellent Egg Mover (inspired by a climbing beetle), to creating a zipline for the peach harvest, there's no challenge too big for the diminutive Doozers. Spike, Daisy Wheel, Flex and Molly have the latest technology at their fingertips, but it's their appetite for innovation and passion for building and design that lead to success. Along the way, they're guided by elder Doozers who answer the Pod Squad's questions and motivate them to think of solutions.
"We're thrilled to bring Doozers to Ontario families. It's a wonderful series that inspires preschoolers to observe, explore and think critically," says Patricia Ellingson, TVO's Creative Head of Children's and Parents' Media. "We specifically chose this series because we know that science, math and technology education is crucial to student success. If we can spark a child's interest in these areas early on with a program like Doozers, we can help encourage a lifelong passion for these subjects and equip kids for a wide range of career opportunities when they grow up."
We're also looking for a catchy theme song. Don't let us down, TVO!