Patrick Brazeau, the suspended senator facing trial on assault and sexual assault charges, apparently returned to Twitter this week.
He confirmed to Global News reporter Laura Stone that a tweet posted to his account was real on Friday, though it appears to have been deleted.
The controversial Conservative appointee reportedly came back to the social network after a lengthy hiatus to post a link to an op-ed he wrote for Loonie Politics calling for a national inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women.
In it he argued because of the federal government's call for an inquiry into B.C. salmon returns, then it should also hold a commission examining why so many aboriginal woman have disappeared or been killed.
"In my view, fish don't count, people do," Brazeau wrote.
The senator's return to social media comes after a number of brushes with the law.
In October he faced charges of impaired care or control of a vehicle, having care or control of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of 80 mg per 100 ml, and breaching bail conditions after police allegedly found him looking intoxicated in a parked car in Gatineau, Que.
Police found a knife on him and he blew twice over the legal blood-alcohol limit at a station.
A Quebec court ordered him to go to rehab following the arrest.
The arrest came a week after he found out he would go to trial on sexual assault and assault charges stemming from an incident in February 2013.
Brazeau was also charged with assault, cocaine possession, making threats and breaching bail conditions in connection with an April 2014 altercation at a Gatineau home.
He is also facing fraud and breach of trust charges in connection with Senate expense claims, and that case is set to have a preliminary hearing in June.

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