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2013 MMVA Winners: Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Drake And More Make The List

Who Won At The 2013 MMVAs?

Not many award shows can make a combination of mermen, Korean pop stars and "Chavril" work, but that's exactly what the 2013 Much Music Video Awards did Sunday night in front of a sectioned-off block in downtown Toronto.

Hundreds of fans gathered in front of the MuchMusic building to catch this year's performers and presenters hit the red carpet as well as take to the stage in a two-hour popularity contest celebrating a marriage of video and music.

South Korea's PSY made his debut as this year's co-host and kicked the show off with his renowned hit 'Gangnam Style'. The K-Pop sensation also took home an MMVA for "Viral Video of The Year" with the same song, only to outdo his iconic horse dance with his personal twist on Beyonce's 'Single Ladies'. PSY would then later close the show with his first live performance of 'Gentleman' in Canada, set to a backdrop of dancers in gold pants and a giant inflatable doll fashioned after himself.

2013 MMVAs In Photos. Story Continues After The Gallery

Other international winners included Demi Lovato for her 'Heart Attack' video, which took international video of the year. She joined fellow songstress Taylor Swift who took the award in the "Your Fave International Artist" category.

Canada was thoroughly represented during the event with Avril Lavigne, Serena Ryder and Justin Bieber all getting nods for various categories. While Bieber wasn't able to accept his award in person, rapper Drake made a surprise appearance to collect his award for 'Started From the Bottom" which won the category for best hip-hop music video. Fellow Canadian rapper, Classified, took two awards this year, scoring two MMVAs for "Muchfact Video Of The Year" and "Video of the year" -- both for his song 'Inner Ninja'.

And while there weren't any awards for questionable fashionable choices, Canadian pop group Marianas Trench showed up on the red carpet dressed up as mermaids (or is it mermen?) only to later strip down to their underwear during their performance of 'Desperate Measures'. The group took home an award for their song 'Stutter' which won in the "Your Fave Video" category.

To see all the winners, check out the list below:

Video Of The Year: Classified & David Myles, 'Inner Ninja'

Post-Production Of the year: Billy Talent, 'Surprise Surprise'

Dance Video Of the Year: deadmau5 f. Chris James, 'The Veldt'

Director Of The Year: Director X – Drake, 'Started From the Bottom'

Pop Video Of the Year: Marianas Trench, 'Desperate Measures'

Rock/Alternative Video Of The Year: Serena Ryder, 'Stompa'

Hip-Hop Video Of The Year: Drake, 'Started From the Bottom'

Muchfact Video Of The Year: Classified f. David Myles, 'Inner Ninja'

International Video Of The Year -- Artist: Demi Lovato, 'Heart Attack'

International Video Of The Year -- Group: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis f. Wanz, 'Thrift Shop'

International Video Of The Year By A Canadian: Avril Lavigne, 'Here’s To Never Growing Up'

Your Fave Artist/Group: Justin Bieber

Your Fave Video: Marianas Trench, 'Stutter'

Your Fave International Artist/Group: Taylor Swift

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