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Tom Brokaw Ranch Sold As BC Farms In Demand

Tom Brokaw's B.C. Ranch Sells For..
Hall & Hall

After less than a year, legendary NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw's ranch near Smithers, B.C. has been sold to Texas buyers who plan to live in the fishing compound year-round.

The 275-acre (137-hectare) property, about 20 minutes outside the town, was sold for 10 to 15 per cent lower than the C$1.75 million asking price earlier this month, said Tim Murphy, a broker and partner with Hall and Hall on Thursday.

There was a lot of overseas interest from buyers in Europe, Murphy told The Huffington Post B.C. "They seem to like British Columbia for some reason, more than the U.S.," he said.

Russian buyers scooped up the Royal Antler Ranch near Fairmont Hot Springs, B.C., which was listed for $15 million, last fall, said Murphy.

Brokaw, 73, owned The Hat Rack Ranch with a group of fly-fishing friends. They decided to sell last summer because they no longer use it as much as they used to. It has a 3,600 sq.-ft. main home (built in 1915), a caretakers residence and barn buildings. But a main attraction is the frontage on the Bulkley River, which provides outstanding steelhead fishing.

The average time for ranches on the market is about a year and a half, Murphy said from Montana.

Check out photos of the Royal Antler Ranch and Hat Rack Ranch:

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