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Spring Skincare: 10 Changes To Make To Your Beauty Routine Right Now (PHOTOS)

10 Skin Changes To Make Right Now

We’re all about making life easier. So here, in our regular feature 10 Tips, we’ll equip you with tricks that’ll make any task -- from buying art to picking the right shade of lipstick -- seem simpler.

With spring bringing a mix of warmer winds and sunnier days, taking care of our skin begins with understanding the changes it goes through each season.

"The average person needs to be educated on how their skin works, what customized routine will work best for their skin type and condition and the products that maintain results from professional treatments," says education manager for Dermalogica and the International Dermal Institute, Holly Sherrard.

To start, Sherrard suggests looking at the sunscreens, lotions and cleansers in your bathroom cabinets and making sure they're suitable for spring. Next you should keep applying SPF.

"Ideally we should keep wearing the same amount of sunscreen year-round, however most consumers tend to decrease or stop using SPF in the winter," she says.

She also recommends sticking to products with hydrating components. If you're still dealing with chapped lips, a dry scalp or flaky skin, exfoliation and hydration are the keys to smoothing everything out.

Here are 10 spring-friendly changes you should make to your skin right now.

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